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January 31, 2013

How to Reduce the Battery Consumption on Samsung S3


All of us want to have a longer battery life on our phones. Well, Samsung S3 provides options that help you save battery power. By customizing these options and deactivating features in the background, you can use the device longer between charges:
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How to Sideload Files (NOOK Books) on NOOK Color/NOOK Tablet


You might have some files from your PC (like NOOK Books, Videos, Documents, Music and etc. ) that you want to sideload/transfer to your NOOK Color/NOOK Tablet. Here's a very simple way on how to sideload/transfer your files from your PC to your NOOK Color/NOOK Tablet.
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January 30, 2013

How to Back Up Your Instagram Photos

You might not be aware of this but your favorite photo filtering app Instagram has changed its policy. Under its new policy, they have the right to sell its users' photos without notification and payment even for advertisement purposes. But Instagram has denied this by saying that it was their policy’s ambiguous wordings that stirred up its loyal users.
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How to Lend Kindle Books


Kindle Books can only be loaned once in a period of 14-days. During the loan period, you are unable to read the Book yourself. You don't also need to have a Kindle to read/lend/borrow a Kindle Book. It can also be read using the free Kindle reading applications for PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone, BlackBerry, and Android devices.
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How to Disable Face Tag on Samsung Galaxy S3 and Note 2

Samsung Galaxy S3 and Note 2 have a feature called the Face Tag which lets you tag your friends on a photo by tapping the yellow boxes over their faces. Yes, it works more like the usual Facebook photo tagging. However, this app is sometimes distracting to look at whenever you view a photo because of the yellow boxes. Now here’s how you can ditch those boxes for a neater photo viewing.
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How to Purchase Movie Tickets using Siri

Smartphones are indeed living up its name. They’re called smart because they can do a lot of things like being a passbook or even a tour guide. Now Apple’s iOS devices allow you to book movie tickets right at the comfort of your home using your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. Watch a trailer, read a movie synopsis, reserve seats and purchase tickets ­— all these and more are just a flick away. Let your fingers do the talking! Check out these steps on how you can purchase tickets with Siri’s help using the Fandango app.
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January 29, 2013

How to Change Screen Color on iPhone 5

iPhone 5 is dubbed to have a perfect fit on your hand compared to other smartphones in the market. The phone is slimmer, even lighter and has a higher-resolution compared to its predecessors. This 4-inch smartphone allows you to change its screen/menu colors for a customize phone and of course for easy viewing. Check out these easy and simple steps and try it yourself.
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How to Turn On/Off WiFi on iPhone 5


With its sleek and stunning features, iPhone 5 is surely one of the best of its kind. Apple has finally connected iPhone to the fastest cellular data network called the LTE. Uploads, data download, internet browsing is faster than you think even when it’s not on WiFi connection. Nevertheless, here are few steps on how you can turn on/off your wifi settings on your mighty iPhone 5. 
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January 28, 2013

How to Take a Screenshot on Samsung Galaxy S3

Posting a screenshot of text thread on Facebook is viral these days. Most of the time, it’s meant for a good laugh. Well, there are actually two ways on how you can capture a screenshot of your Galaxy S3. Here are ways on how you can do it. 
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How to Take a Photo with Samsung Galaxy S3 While Recording a Video

Samsung’s flagship and perhaps its best seller Smartphone, the Samsung Galaxy S3 has incredible features to brag. One of which is the ability to take a photo while recording a video. Check out these steps and discover what a piece of art you have there with your S3.
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How to Block Websites in Mozilla Firefox


Using the Add-on “Blocksite”, you can easily block any website in Mozilla Firefox. This extension will block all the sites that have been added on the list. It can also be protected by a password so unwanted changes on the list can never be done.

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How to Set Homepage on Google Chrome/Mozilla/Safari/Internet Explorer


I know you have your own favorite websites that you want to visit once you open a web browser. You might want set one (or more) of your favorite sites to homepage on your browser. Just simply the follow the steps below:

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January 27, 2013

How to Receive Facebook Notifications thru Text Messaging


If you can’t be on Facebook most of the time or you don’t own a fancy smartphone and still wants to get notified on recent happenings via text, then Facebook allows you to get connected with their text messaging notification feature. Here are the steps on how to activate this feature.

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January 26, 2013

How to Export Facebook Message History to Your Desktop

If you have important files sent through Facebook then exporting it right to your computer is the safest way to do. Remember that Facebook doesn’t let you do this but Firefox will let you do so with its add-on. You should be logged in on Facebook through Firefox before you can create an account where you can export your file. 

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How to Lend NOOK Books Online / Want to lend NOOK Books on Your iPad/iPhone/iPod


Are you trying to lend your NOOK Books on your iPad/iPhone/iPod? Well, you can lend NOOK Books but not on your NOOK Apps. If you want to lend a NOOK Book, you need to login on your account.

You can download the NOOK Books lent to any NOOK-supported device, including NOOK devices, Mac, PC, NOOK for iPhone/iPod, NOOK for iPad and NOOK for Android as examples.
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January 25, 2013

How to Hide Someone on your Facebook News Feed


Admit it or not, we care less on news feed from Facebook friends that belong to the “not-so-close” category. Furthermore, nothing could be so annoying when all you see on your feeds are self-taken pictures or blow-by-blow account of daily routine posts. We've got easy steps then on how to “unfeed” your Facebook friends and organize who you see on your News Feed section.

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January 24, 2013

How to Refresh NOOK HD/HD+ to Download Your Pre-ordered NOOK Book


Unable to download your pre-ordered NOOK Book? Then all you need to do is to refresh the digital content on your NOOK HD/HD+. 

Follow these easy steps on how to refresh the content of your NOOK library:
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How to Refresh NOOK for iPad/iPhone/iPod


Unable to see your latest NOOK Book purchase on your iPad/iPhone/iPod? Then you may need to refresh the digital content on your NOOK Free Reading Apps.

Just follow these steps on how to refresh your NOOK library:
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January 23, 2013

How to Access the Start Screen in Windows 8


Accessing the start screen in Windows 8 is totally different from what we are accustomed to do in Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7. It’s more fashionable in Windows 8. Others might find it a little bit of work but it’s a lot easier than you think it is. Here are the ways on how to get the start screen in Windows 8.
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January 22, 2013

How to Make Videos Private on Facebook


Making your videos private on Facebook is just the right thing to do when you’re not too confident if you’ll get positive feedback on it. Worry no more! Switching your videos to private is just easy. Whether you’re just downloading a video or has downloaded one, follow these easy to do steps to keep it to yourself. 
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January 20, 2013

Referral Banners (RefBan) Review


I just found a new website and it is still on Pre-launch where you can Get Paid by showing banners and referring others. Since it is still on Pre-launch, you will get $10 for FREE upon joining.

This new site is part of Rogue and I can assure you that it is not a SCAM. Rogue also owns one of the biggest PTC sites in the World "Wordlinx".


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January 19, 2013

How to Download Videos From Youtube (No Software Needed)


I Know that you are fan of watching Youtube videos. And sometimes you want to download them on your computer. Here’s a very simple way on how to download Youtube videos without needing a software.
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Laser Projector on Google Glass


Google has a new patent application at the US Patent office which will be added on its most promising Glass. Aside from a built-in camera on the Glass, Google wants to add a laser projector on it which can be used to project any Glass interface on any nearby surface and even on the user’s hand.
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January 15, 2013

How To Transfer eBooks From Public Library To Your NOOK Device Using ADE


You might be wondering if you can download eBooks from your public library to your NOOK device. Yes, you can read eBooks from your public library but you will need an Adobe Digital Edition (ADE) to transfer/sideload the ePub file format successfully on your NOOK device.
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How to Troubleshoot Kindle Fire Unable to Detect on PC


If your Kindle Fire is not recognized by your computer or you will receive an error message by the time you plug in your device, you might be having with the USB port.

You will need to disconnect first your Kindle Fire from your computer and try plugging it back by using a different USB port. If you have a different USB cable, then you can also try it.
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January 12, 2013

How to Factory Reset (Hard Reset) Your NOOK HD/HD+


If you have forgotten your passcode, then you may need to do the factory reset. By performing this process, it will deregister your device as well as erases all local content such as contacts, sideloaded documents, personal information, wishlists, 4 digit passcodes, etc. It is recommended that you have a copy of all your wanted files to an SD card or computer. But all Barnes & Noble content will be downloadable upon re-registering.
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January 7, 2013

How to Install NOOK for Android on Your Android Phone or Tablet


Want to read NOOK Books from Barnes & Noble but don't have a NOOK device? It's very simple, you just need to download and install the NOOK for Android app on your Android phone or tablet. 
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How to Delete Saved Website Passwords


Browsers are capable of saving your log in information. This feature enables easy log in when you next visit the websites. But if you are still bothered about the security of your information, you can opt to delete your saved password. Here are the steps on how to delete saved passwords.

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January 5, 2013

How to Cancel Your NOOK Subscription


There will come a time that you no longer want to continue your eSubscription from Barnes & Noble and want to cancel it.

Canceling your NOOK subscription is just very easy. Here's a simple steps on how to cancel your NOOK subscription:
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January 1, 2013

How to Setup NOOK HD Using Mac to Transfer Files


Before you can sideload content from your Mac to your NOOK HD/NOOK HD+, you will be required to perform a one-time installation of a driver prior to your first file transfer.

Once the process is complete, then you will now be able to transfer files successfully on your Mac. You may follow the steps below on how to setup your Mac.
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