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June 9, 2012

Printing Hello World


C is the most widely used programming language. Here I will share to you the very basic of C programming language, the printing of "Hello World".

See the code below:


int main ()




return 0;


\n - Newline. Position the cursor at the starting of the next line.

\t - Horizontal tab. Move the cursor to the next tab.

*** Since you were not able to put a "\n" on your first printf, the "World" were still on the same line.


int main ()




return 0;


#include<stdio.h> - the header of the program, this line tells the preprocessor to include the contents of the standard input/output header file (stdio.h)

printf - part of the information and declarations used by the compiler when compiling standard input/output library functions.

int main () - is a part of every C program. The parenthesis is a program building block called a function

left brace - must start the body of every function

right brace - must end the each function


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