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June 12, 2012

How to Make Drop Down List in Wordpress


Creating a drop down list in Wordpress is much easier than creating a drop down list in blogger. Here I will teach you on how to create a drop down list in your Wordpress blog.

Below are the step by step instructions on how to make a drop down list in Wordpress.

Step 1. Go to "Pages" option.

Step 2. Click "Add New" on the right side of pages.

Step 3. Choose the title you want on your page.

Step 4. Click on "Publish".

Step 5. Add a new page by clicking again the "Add New" option.

Step 6. Choose your title. This time I chose Dropdown 1.1.

Step 7. On the right side of the screen, click on the drop down button and select "Dropdown 1" as your parent and then "Publish".

Step 8. You can now view your drop down menu by clicking "View page" and see the result.

Step 9. If you want to extend to another menu, just do the same steps and choose your latest title page. Here as an example I chose "Dropdown 1.1".

Step 10. Now see the result of your work.

Step 11. You can also choose a "Showcase" template on your first page "Dropdown 1", so it would look better.

Step 12. You can see that the background becomes black and once you point the mouse it goes to yellow.

Note: If you have any suggestions regarding in what to post or problems you have encountered related in my topics, feel to contact me at my email listed in "Contact us" tab. I will make sure to reply with your concern within 24 hours.


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