Do you want to transfer the content of your blog in another blog site? Then exporting might be the right answer for the question that you are looking for.
Now here's a step by step instructions on how to export a blog from your blogspot account to your Wordpress account and etc.:
Step 1. Go to "Settings" on your blogger account.

Step 2. On your settings, click on "Other" option.

Step 3. Select the "Export blog" on your Blog Tools.

Step 4. Download the file of your blog.

Step 5. Now open your wordpress account, go to "Settings" >> select the "Import" option.

Step 6. Click on the type of the blogger. Since we are exporting from your blogspot, click on "Blogger".

Step 7. Then choose the file that you just downloaded earlier on your blogspot account. It should be on your downloads folder.

Step 8. Once you have selected the file, click on "Upload file and import" to fully import your blog.

Step 9. Now you have successfully export your blog from blogspot to wordpress. If you want to export your blog from wordpress to blogspot or vice versa, just do the same process.
Hope you enjoy it!
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