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June 14, 2012

How to Create a Chat Box in Blogger

Create a chat box in your blogger to communicate your viewers.

Here's a step by step instructions on how to create a chat box in your blogger:

Step 1. Visit Chatango website and create your public group.

Step 2. Fill up the information and customize your chat box according to your preference and click on "Continue".

Step 3. Sign up by filling out the information.

Step 4. Click on the code to copy.

Step 5. You can choose whether your like it your chat box to be a page or a gadget.

If you want it to put beside your blog then you can add a gadget, please follow these step:

        •   Go to Layout  >> Add a Gadget.
        •   Select the HTML/JavaScript
        •   Paste the code you have copied in the Chatango and Save.
If you want to put your chat box as a page, then follow these steps:

        •   Go to Pages >> Create a new blank page.
        •   Click on HTML beside Compose and paste the code.

        •   Publish your page and see the result.

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