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June 11, 2012

How to Gain More Traffic on Your Site or Blog for FREE


Traffic is very important in building a website. Getting a high traffic might be difficult at the beginning. So I recommend to try these free traffic generating site. There’s a lot of sites that offer a free traffic program. So just need to register of these sites and enter your web address or blog.

These are the sites:

Tabzi - a very new site that offers ten great way to get paid.
Startxchange - also one of the best and less hassle site.
Trafficera - it is a user friendly site.
Trafficswirl - try this one, more traffic waiting on this site.
Sweeva - might be difficult at first, but you can also try it.

Please also be advised that you will also need to gain more credits on your account so your site will be viewed.

Gain more Credits = Gain more Hits

Hits means views on your site or blog.

There are still a lot of sites out there, but I think you can start with these sites. For me, tabzi is the best site because your Hits are also in real time. So once, you have gained credits on your account, the Hits will also follow. Sometimes you gain more Hits than your Credits.

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