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June 7, 2012

Type to EARN


Want to earn money without spending a dime? Yes, of course. Who doesn't want money? Everyone needs money to support themselves. But does the money appear on our pocket instantly? Of course not. We can't get money so easily. We must exert some effort and earn it. 

Here are some tips and suggestions on how to be successful in earning Money online by typing CAPTCHAS:

Be patient. Try to be patient and contented for whatever earnings you have for now.

Be consistent. Do not leave your work behind. If you have time, give at least an hour per day to TYPE.

Be enthusiast. Always think that every effort you made have a great compensation.

If you are ready to start your earnings now, please click on the link below and start typing. Do your best and make a change.

Click Here To Start Your Earnings

The Megatypers also called Protypers. They are in the same company, please don't be confused about that. I myself earned from this company. If you already have an account with Megatypers then you don't have to create and account with Protypers.

Your earnings depends on how much you work. Unlike the PTC's sites, your earnings are limited in a day. You need to click the Ads everyday to earn or you will lose your earnings per day. From this site your earning is unlimited as long you work hard in typing. The best time to type would be from 3:00AM - 7:00AM in the morning. With the given time you rate would the $1.3 - $1.35 per 1000 captchas.

You can earn as much as $100 - $200 per month by your own work. But that's not all. You can also invite your friends with your affiliate code then you will gain 10% commission on their earnings.

Here's my payment proofs:

1st Payment:

2nd Payment:

I only just started this part-time job, and this is not a bad start for me. I worked during my rest day only a few hours. So what are you waiting for?

Start Earning Now


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