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June 20, 2012

How to Create a Facebook Fan Page


Facebook has an application where you can create your own fan page and manage it. If you have a small business then this might be a big help for to market your product. Read the steps below on how to create your own facebook fan page in less than 5 minutes.

Step1.  You must log in to your facebook account first. On the bottom most portion of the facebook page, click on “Create a Page”.

Step2.  It will then redirect you to another page asking on what type of fan page are you setting up. You have 6 choices to choose from. Click on the icon that best categorizes your fan page.

Step3.  After you have clicked the icon, it will ask for a subcategory of your fan page. Just choose one and proceed onto the next page.

Step4.  You are then ready to set up your fan page. To start off, choose a profile picture for your page and click on “Save Photo” once you have uploaded the photo. Then hit on “Next”.

Step5.  Now you have already uploaded your fan page’s photo, you can somehow add few lines about your page and your official website, if there is, for better marketing. Don’t forget to click “Save Info”. 

Step6. Onto the last step of the set up process, type on the box a unique facebook web address so people can find your fan page easily.  Then click on “Set Address”.


Step7.  Congratulations! You have just created a fan page. Your facebook will allow you to access two accounts under your name. Invite your friends then and share with them your new fan page.


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