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June 28, 2012

How to Access Hidden Themes in Windows 7


You can find a lot of themes in the Internet, but in case you don't have an Internet connection and want to change your theme on your Windows 7 then you may do so. All you need to do in to unlock the hidden them on the other country. The steps would be very simple and easy to navigate, just follow the steps below:

Step 1. Go to Start Menu >> Control Panel.

Step 2. Select the "Folder Options".

Step 3. On the "Folder Options", click on "View".

Step 4. Select the "Show hidden files, folders, and drives", also uncheck the "Hide protected operating system files (Recommemended)".

Step 5. Then click OK.

Step 6. Search the file \Windows\Globalization.

Step 7. Double click on MCT

Step 8. There would be 5 folders inside the MCT folder (where XX is AU, CA, GB, US, or ZA) which represents its region. Go to the folder you want to that you want to activate the theme.

Please note: ZA, AU and CA regions have the same themes.

Step 9. Open the Theme folder inside the selected region folder.

Step 10. Double click on the XX.theme file to apply the theme to your Windows 7 desktop system. Once a theme is already activated, the theme will be remembered and saved into Personalization options. You can now freely change or select the theme again directly from Personalization settings screen. 

Step 11. Reverse the process in steps 1-5 to hide all the folders again.

You have successfully unlock the hidden themes.

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