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June 27, 2012

How to Unfriend Facebook Friends Without Deleting Them


Are you tired of reading same depressing status updates from a Facebook friend? What about flooding photos of themselves and taken by no other than by them? If these stuffs hurt badly your eyes then you can just automatically hit on the unfriend button. But hey, what if they find out? That would mean a war. Now worry no more. Just read on the steps below on how to unfriend your friends without really unfriending them.

Step1. Log in to your Facebook and go over to your friend’s timeline. Just click on “Friends” box below the cover photo. A drop down list will then appear and now click on settings.

Step2.  After you click on settings, this is how it’ll look like. If you want to block that friend’s flooding statuses, then you can just check on only important and choose on what type of updates are to be posted in your news feed.

Step3. Here you go. This is how it’ll look like to have a stress-free Facebook news feed. This will save you from putting your annoying friend on your unfriend list.

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