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June 30, 2012

How to Delete Facebook Applications


Are you worried about third-party sites and applications lurking in your Facebook account? Want to get rid of them? Then you might need a dose of this article. Read on for you to know on how to slam down all those apps.

Step1.  Log in to your Facebook account first and click on that small arrow beside “Home”. Click on  “Privacy Settings” then from the drop down list.

Step2.  A new page will then appear. Just click on  “Edit Settings”  right beside Ads, Apps and Websites option.

Step3.  Now it will show you then the list of apps listed in your Facebook account.  Now you have two options on how you want to delete your apps, either by removing it in just one click or just those you don’t feel like using anymore.

Step4.  If you don’t want to delete all apps, you can do the manual thing. Just click on the highlighted “REMOVE” as shown above and a list of apps will then appear. Just click on the “x” beside the apps. And hit on ‘REMOVE” on the dialog box.

Step5. If you’ve just decided to delete all the apps, then just simply click on “Turn off all apps” as shown in step 3. Then a box will appear with the apps list. Tick on the “SELECT ALL” box down below and you’ll have them all deleted. Now you have just decluttered your Facebook account.

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