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July 29, 2012

Kim Kardashian Bikini Moments for 2012


If you’ve got it, flaunt it! Kim Kardashian never missed to parade her stuff especially on the beach wearing fashionable bikinis. Oh well, she may not be slim but she totally got the hourglass curves. “You always see the typical skinny models and I’m not that and I’m proud not to be that,” Kim says on her photo shoot with Men’s Fitness. Here are some of her bikini moments to date for 2012 that might prove to you why she’s hot with her curves.  Celebuzz featured some of Kim’s Best Bikini Moments. We’ve picked out our top 25. See the list.

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Kim Kardashian Through the Years


Others may have wondered why Kim Kardashian is sensational. Well, she’s no ordinary reality TV star. She’s topped Forbes highest paid TV actresses for 2012 and for the past years, got her own clothing line and fragrance, hit tv shows, endorsements, over 15 million Twitter followers, posed as covergirl on various magazines, top searched name online- in short she’s always making a buzz.

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July 25, 2012

Mariah Carey The Next American Idol Judge


It’s official!! The five-time Grammy winner Mariah Carey will have a seat as the next American Idol Season 12 judge. At the Summer TV Press Tour just this Monday July 23, 2012, Fox Programming Chief Executive Kevin Reilly dialed Carey and put her on speaker phone to announce she’s on board “Idol”. “I am so excited to be joining “Idol”, she told the press.

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July 24, 2012

Coolest and Most Expensive Car in the World


Have you ever dreamed about your future car? Do you consider the speed? Now, check out the coolest car with a lighting speed that might get your interest and will also burn your pocket.

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July 23, 2012

Pay With Square | Pay By Voice


I’m a frustrated shopaholic. But because I don’t earn much to acquire all I want, I just close my eyes and pray fervently for a mall wide sale. Well, it works so far. And when I see those red banners hanging with bold 50% off, I swear, I can stand for hours in snaking queues just to get to the counter. Being a traditional that I am, I always use cash in purchasing. Although I’m tempted to get that rectangular plastic (the card thing), for convenience, I kind of hold back. 

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July 21, 2012

How to Access Total Subscribers on Feedburner


Bloggers are eager to know if they have a new subscriber each day and wondering the total numbers of their subscribers. Now, there is a shortcut on how to know the numbers of your subscribers. No need for you to log in to your feedburner account and it would be less hassle. Follow the steps below for the instructions on how to access the total number of your subscribers:

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How to Share Photos and Posts in Facebook


Want to share photos or quotes just to your special friends? Then you got it. Facebook has added a new feature to its system. Now you have couple of options on how you would want to share photos or posts. Check out the options on how to share photos and posts in Facebook.

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July 19, 2012

Upcoming Movies in August 2012


Save your money and prepare yourself for the newest movies available for the month of August. Asked your father and mother to join with you eating popcorn in your favorite theater. 

Check some teaser of the each movies.

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Justin Bieber and Katy Perry Banned in UK

According to reports, Justin Bieber and Katy Perry’s faces are banned from UK. Not that they aren’t allowed to set foot in UK but their Proactiv campaigns have been banned after an anonymous whistleblower alerted the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) in UK of an alleged misleading claims of Bieber and Perry on their ad.

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July 18, 2012

Apple iPad Mini Rumors – Coming This End of 2012

The tablet market is definitely on a heat. Just this June, Microsoft introduced their version of tablet: the Microsoft Surface tablet. On the same month, Google unveiled the Nexus 7 which is smaller than iPad and less expensive. And according to a report in New York Times, Amazon is working on a new version of their Kindle Fire, more likely with bigger display. These companies are all in to grab that seat from iPad to earn greater market share.

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Tickets For Your Favorite POP and ROCK Band


Watch Live! Your favorite POP and ROCK Band are here to give some entertainment. Lady Antebellum, an American POP Music group, Nickelback, a Canadian Rock Band and Rascal Flatts, is an American country POP Band. Don't miss this outstanding performance in your city. Get your tickets NOW!

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July 17, 2012

Tom and Katie Holmes ‘ Suri Enrolled in a Catholic School?


With Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise now officially not together, many have wonder what’s behind the sudden break up of this well-followed Hollywood couple. It seems like yesterday when some of us are appalled on how Tom jumps like crazy on the couch at the Oprah Winfrey show. It was Tom confessing his admiration for the much younger former Dawson’s Creek star Katie Holmes.

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Iron Man 3 Reveals in Comic-Con 2012


Marvel Studios’ “Iron Man 3” stars surprised everyone during the Comic-Con International 2012 at San Diego Convention Center on July 14, 2012 in San Diego California with their footage. The well loved man-in-steel character, played by Robert Downey Jr., asked the crowd with these questions: “How much do I love you?” and “How much do you love me?”

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July 16, 2012

Jennifer Lopez and Steve Tyler were KICKED OUT of American Idol


According to some reports, American Idol judges Jennifer Lopez and Steve Tyler never left the show according to their own will. Instead, they were “KICKED OUT” by AI bosses .Now that’s news.
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Apple iPhone 5’s Specs and Features


It has been a long debate on what would be Apple’s new iPhone 5 will look like. But it all boils down to consumers’ clamor for a bigger screen, thinner and lighter phone. And Santa might just heard them right. Just last Tuesday, Gotta Be Mobile released exclusive photos to the public on what was said to be the engineering sample of the iPhone 5 design. To no surprise, earlier rumors and even photos closely matched to what was released. 

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July 15, 2012

Microsoft’s CEO Steve Ballmer May Launch Office 2013 Beta on Monday


Microsoft’s CEO Steve Ballmer is expected to launch the public beta version of Office 2013 (aka Office 15) during a press conference in San Francisco on Monday, July 16, 2012 according to a report by USA Today. The news started from unnamed sources who claimed that the money-making suite will be available in the market early next year (2013).

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Facebook Soon to Launch Job Postings Board


With millions logged in on Facebook daily, this social networking giant is working on a job postings board on its site that will launch later this summer. It will make jobs postings by third party providers available in one place and further add a searchable database of jobs for jobseekers to browse, as Forbes reported.

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Yahoo Confirms Mass Password Theft


Yahoo’s head of U.K. consumer public relations Caroline MacLeod-Smith said Thursday that they’re investigating a potential security breach to its 450,000 Yahoo user’s email addresses and passwords. To add that, New York Times reported that this shocking security breach affected a number of users with accounts in Gmail, AOL, Hotmail, Comcast, MSN, SBC Global, Verizon, Bellsouth and

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July 13, 2012

Thatsmycity Search Engine for Places


Cheers to this new search engine that will surely add excitement to all of you out there who loves to set foot on new places. Just like Google, takes pride in giving its users a new way to get comprehensive search results for places they want to go. And I’m not just referring to the usual routing info of places. 

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How to Control Who Can Post Stories on Your Timeline


Well just imagine that you called your boss and telling him you can’t come to work because you’re sick (but the truth is you had a drop-till-dawn party with friends). And just when everything is well-planned, your friend posted on your timeline that you were the star of the night and even posted a photo of you on your timeline. Yikes! Sounds danger! Just a few tweaking on your Facebook Privacy Settings will let you keep others’ noses off of your timeline. Here’s how to control who can post stories on your timeline.

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July 12, 2012

Google's Nexus 7 Tablet


Google is taking technology beyond borders. With the success of its Android software, (which the late Steve Jobs promised to tear off due to mimicry of its own) it has recently unveiled an eye-popping $199 tablet just last two weeks ago. It’s a call for a challenge to leading tablet maker Apple which boasts a $500+ iPad. And mind you, Apple shouldn’t shrug this off. Why not? Coz this one is just the nemesis that can perhaps cripple down Apple’s iPad. Here are some of the reasons why it created such buzz.

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How to Create a Group Chat in Facebook


Isn’t it amazing that Facebook is now really bridging everyone? If you happen to miss your group chit chat before or perhaps just a crazy chatting with friends before you go to bed, then no need to log in to a messaging site. Facebook make it all happen. With their recent updates, you can now experience longer thread of chatting with your buddies. Yes, BUDDIES! It will now allow you to add numbers of people into your conversation. Surely it is more fun surfing on Facebook. 

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July 9, 2012

Touch-Free Interface on Windows 8


User interface with devices nowadays is indeed getting simpler. Touch-screen was just one of the breakthroughs as it is incorporated on most hand-held devices. But it seems like touch screen interface is now part of the old-school. Here’s another jaw-dropping breakthrough that might set aside mouse devices. Yes, you read it right (it’s almost a farewell to traditional mouse and touch screen). 

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Motorola Defy Pro


Now Motorola is launching its first Android-based smartphone with a full QWERTY keyboard and touchscreen display which is targeting the Brazilian market next month. Find out some specifications of the Motorola Defy Pro.
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July 8, 2012

How to change font size in NOOK Color, NOOK Tablet and NOOK Simple Touch.


Reading in small fonts is somehow difficult specially to our grandfather and grandmother whose passion is reading NOOK Books. For NOOK Color, NOOK Tablet and NOOK Simple Touch users, that are having trouble reading your NOOK Books due to small fonts. You might be wondering on how to change the font size or text size on the NOOK Book you are reading. 
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July 6, 2012

Google Glass Explorer Edition


These past few months, we have been reading tons of articles, for publicity perhaps as others would say, on how the well-anticipated iPhone 5 will look like. Some have even made videos on the creative design of this latest iPhone in town. Well, let’s leave it that way. We can have our own share of review once iPhone 5 is officially unveiled. Now here’s another worth talking about. Ever heard of Google’s Project Glass? 
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July 5, 2012

Samsung Galaxy S3


Samsung Galaxy S3 took iPhones by Storm.  For many years, iPhones have been dominating the world of Smartphone. Apple has been in charge over the years of designing sleek and high-end iOS phones. If you have the golden throne, don’t expect the others to sit back and adore His Highness. And Samsung was just so keen in overthrowing King iPhone. With its new Samsung Galaxy S III, it has taken the throne by storm. It is now dubbed to be the best Android smartphone ever made, period. Well, you might wonder what made it best. No rush, we’ll take a tour on Samsung’s newest pride. 

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How to Delete a Blog in Wordpress

Do you have unused blog in Wordpress? Are you wondering how to delete your blog in Wordpress? Then you don't have to worry. In this article I will teach you how to eliminate your unused blog. So what will remain in your Wordpress is your important blog that you treasure most. Just follow the steps below to delete your blog.
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How to Disable Facebook Game Notifications and Requests


Admit it, every time we see a game request on our Facebook makes us feel so aggravated. No matter how we shout out telling our friends that we don’t play those “whateverville” games, those game requests just keep on flooding in.  And in worst case scenario, we’re tempted to hit that unfriend button just to save our sanity. Then this article might help and spare you from tension and trouble. Just follow the steps below on how to, finally, disable or block those game notifications and requests.

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July 4, 2012

List of Cool Pictures and Emoticons Codes to Add in your Chatbox


Is your chat box just plainly messages?Tired of the same old boring emoticons? Why not add these cool stuff to your chat session to lighten up the mood. Here are some few codes for cool emoticons and pictures which you can add ion your  Facebook chat box. Enjoy!

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How to Edit Your Comments on Facebook


I can still remember those instances when I need to delete my comment and repost it due to typos. Such a hassle, isn’t it? And what else could get worst if you need to rewrite the whole thing because you forgot to copy it and had just deleted it. Well, Facebook heard our cries. They have just recently added a new update to their system which will allow you to edit your comments and even view the editing history for that comment. Take note, that only your comments can be edited. Here’s some simple steps on how to edit your comment on Facebook.

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July 3, 2012

NOOK Color and NOOK Tablet New Software Update 1.4.3


For NOOK Color and NOOK Tablet owners, a new software update is awaiting for you. If you can't wait for the over the air update, then sideload/transfer the file for the latest software version now.

Improvements on the latest software update of the NOOK Color and NOOK Tablet:

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How to Manage and Hide Tagged Photos of You


Indeed a picture can say thousands of words. Nowadays, you are judged by who you are with photos you post on your Facebook. So before your friends tag you with photos of you completely wasted, shield yourself by blocking those photos from being posted without your approval. Or else you might hear that most dreaded three words from your boss the following day just because he thinks that you are such an irresponsible employee and should be better off somewhere else. Here’s how to do some tweaking on your timeline and tagging settings.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of NOOK Color / NOOK Tablet

For avid readers that are using the NOOK Color and NOOK Tablet, and readers that plan to purchase and use these devices. You might be wondering about the advantages and disadvantages of using these NOOK devices. You might have questions like what are the things that you can get in purchasing these devices. Here's a sneak peek of some advantages and disadvantages of NOOK Color and NOOK Tablet.
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July 1, 2012

How to Permanently Delete a Facebook Account

I know that there will always come a time that what we once we go crazy for is what we now totally despise. So even if you stay late every night just checking out your friends’ posts and your wacky photos, time will come that you just want to hit that delete button so badly. Well, just in case you’ve decided to permanently delete your Facebook account, yes DELETE not DEACTIVATE, just follow these steps below on how to achieve a Facebook-free life.

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How to Deactivate Your Facebook Account (not Permanently Delete)


Many have this misconception that when they deactivate their Facebook account, it means that they are completely no longer connected with Facebook. Stop right there! Deactivating your account is not permanently deleting it. It only means you’re temporarily away from the keyboard to access your account.  Although friends can no longer view your profile once deactivated, they can still tag you in photos, invite in events or to join groups. Now if your heart is not yet into deleting your account, you can take the option of deactivating your account. Just follow the steps below on how to shut yourself temporarily from Facebook.

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