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July 6, 2012

Google Glass Explorer Edition


These past few months, we have been reading tons of articles, for publicity perhaps as others would say, on how the well-anticipated iPhone 5 will look like. Some have even made videos on the creative design of this latest iPhone in town. Well, let’s leave it that way. We can have our own share of review once iPhone 5 is officially unveiled. Now here’s another worth talking about. Ever heard of Google’s Project Glass? 

Major key players in the world of software technology like Google and Microsoft have now taken risks in venturing hardware manufacturing. Well, just last June 27, 2012 Google’s co-founder Sergey Brin introduced its first in line product of the company’s Project Glass. What’s with it? Okay, it’s a very creative kind of gadget to start with. This Glass Explorer allows you to interact with what’s around you without disconnecting from it. You can take photos and videos right then and there and share this via Google+. It weighs less than most sunglasses with onboard camera and radios, sensors, mic, speakers and so forth. These are of course incorporated with Google’s software like the voice recognition program. It is navigated using a touch pad that is located on the side of the glass for control and on top is a button for capturing videos and photos from a built-in camera. Cool, right? Here’s more. It can show you routing maps and notifies you with SMS, alerts and even the ability to read out your email.

I couldn’t imagine what else can be added to this new gear which is available to developers for pre-order at Google I/O US based attendees. Delivery of this prototype-phased product will be on early 2013. I bet Google is all out in this project to achieve a close-to-perfection output. But I guess they are always all out every time they’re developing something. Since when are they not in 100% full force? The company’s big success should answer it. Check out Google Glass Explorer's features on this video.


Anonymous said...

wow nice

simplyjeSSielEE said...

wow cool... pila man pud ni???

Chris said...

simplyjeSSielEE: it's only for developers at $1,500 and it's yet to be perfected..such a luxury indeed..

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