Broadcasting to your friends the pages you
like even the nasty and the not-so-you pages is not worth bragging. You kind a
think what will your friends say when you like a page for teddy bears when they’re
expecting you to be the rock icon. Well, no worries. Facebook allows its users
to hide pages they like. Check out the steps below.
Log in to your Facebook and go to your Timeline. Click on the “Likes”
Step2. On the upper
right corner, click on “Edit”
Step3. On the middle part of the page, point your mouse on “Other Pages You
Like” link until a globe icon appears. Click on the downward arrow and choose
Only Me or your preferred audience. Now you have just hidden the pages you
Thank you so much for this article! I have been trying to control the view of pages I like and now I did it! Thanks :)
You are welcome. Thanks for dropping by.
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