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December 4, 2012

iPhone 5 Arrives in South Korea and 50 More Countries this December


Cupertino giant — Apple announced today that iPhone 5 will be available in South Korea on December 7 Friday and 50 more countries. The thinnest and lightest iPhone ever is set to sweep off Apple fans across the world this holiday season.
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December 3, 2012

Governments around the World Talk Over on Internet Regulation


Government delegates from 193 countries are gathered today in Dubai for a closed-door meeting with an agenda to revise a decades-old treaty concerning the internet. The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) hosts the said conference from December 3-14 at the World Conference on International Telecommunications (Wcit). ITU says that there is a need for a change to reflect the “dramatically different” technologies these days. But Google warned that this event would bring harm to the free and open internet.
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December 2, 2012

Facebook Introduces Photo Sync


After testing it for three months, Facebook finally introduces its latest feature called Facebook Photo Sync. This new feature will let you sync your photos automatically from your phone to a private album on Facebook. Only the owner can access the synced photos.
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November 27, 2012

Facebook Encourages Employees to Switch to Android phones


Social Networking giant Facebook, Inc. begs its employees to switch today to Android phones. Facebook has long deployed iPhones to its workers. And now that Android phones are getting more widely popular, Facebook wants its employees to switch to Android and report any bugs they find in the Facebook app on Android ecosystem.
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November 24, 2012

Smart Bro to Offer Google Nexus 7


Are you done with your Christmas wishlist? Then you might want to squeeze in a new tablet on your list this holiday season. Philippines’ leading wireless telecommunications company Smart Communications, Inc. is set to offer Google’s powerhouse 7-inch tablet—Nexus 7, under its slate of Smart Bro Flexisurf mobile broadband plans.
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November 23, 2012

Microsoft to Rival Google’s Project Glass


Microsoft has finally moved in to the wearable computer arena. Redmond giant has filed a patent with US Patent and Trademark Office, published today,outlining how its own version of wearable computer glasses works. It is set to rival Google’s Project Glass which will be launched on 2014.
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November 15, 2012

Samsung Galaxy Camera Now Available in Europe


Samsung announces the availability of the very first connected camera in Europe called the Galaxy Camera. First unveiled at the IFA tech show in Berlin, this Galaxy Camera runs on a Jelly Bean platform with 3G/4G + Wi Fi connectivity. Just shoot, enjoy, edit and share high quality images online.
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November 11, 2012

Download Public Library eBooks to NOOK Color, NOOK Tablet, NOOK HD/HD+ Wirelessly


It is now much easier to download your public library eBooks to your NOOK Color, NOOK Tablet, or NOOK HD/HD+. With two NOOK Apps (Overdrive Media Console and 3M) now available in NOOK App Store, you can now download public library eBooks directly to your NOOK device through Wi-Fi.
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November 10, 2012

Samsung Galaxy S3 Finally Dethrones iPhone as the World’s Best Selling Smartphone


Samsung is finally rejoicing after it overtook Apple’s iPhone 4S as the world’s best selling smartphone for the first time ever in this year’s third quarter (July-September) according to latest statistics released by research firm Strategy Analytics. And only Samsung can destroy Apple’s winning streak in the smartphone arena.
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Skype Launches New Platform for Small Businesses


Skype introduces a new online platform called Skype in the Workspace (SITW) which allows small businesses to connect with potential customers, suppliers and partners from anywhere in the world. The recently acquired Microsoft company promises to establish small businesses right through Skype.
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November 9, 2012

JAM with Chrome and Friends Online


Google introduces JAM with Chrome which is an interactive web application that enables friends from anywhere in the world to play music together in Chrome browser on their computers. So if you’re a rockstar wannabe, here’s your chance to make it happen, at least in a computer.
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November 8, 2012

Sony Announces Software Upgrade for Xperia T and TX: Still On Ice Cream Sandwich OS?


Sony Mobile is thrilled to announce its latest software update for its own line of smartphones—the Xperia T and Xperia TX. The software update includes adding new features and functionalities to its existing operating system..wait…Ice Cream Sandwich? I thought we’re now on the Jelly Bean era.
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November 6, 2012

Apple’s iPhone5 or Samsung’s Galaxy S3: Which is the best?


IPhone5: The ‘Mobile’, Apple Inc. invented the magnifying mobile device ‘iPhone5’ which doesn’t only include an iPod, a phone and a mobile internet correspondent, but also offers exceptional features which is worth owning.
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Apple Sells Three Million iPads in Just Three Days


Apple sets another record by selling three million iPads in three days since the launch date of its new flavor of iPad. The new iPad mini and iPad fourth generation doubled the previous weekend sale of iPad 3 Wi-Fi only models with 1.5 million sales in March.

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November 5, 2012

How to Change Your Username on Facebook


I have a problem remembering my log in information. That’s why I decided to have a relatively short username and a relevant password for my Facebook so that logging in for me would be hassle-free. If you happen to share the same dilemma, then these steps would totally be a big help for you. You can get away with (I’m still seeing couple of my friends logging in this way) username and instead log in on Facebook using a unique name (must include your real name) or with a number combination. Remember that you are only allowed to change your username ONCE. Here’s how you can change your username:
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November 4, 2012

How to Change Font Size on NOOK HD/HD+


Recently, the NOOK HD/HD+ by Barnes & Noble has been distributed. You might be wondering on how to change the font size or text size on the NOOK Book you are reading. I know that reading in small fonts is somehow difficult especially to your grandfather and grandmother.

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November 3, 2012

Donate Now Through Facebook


In the wake of super storm Sandy, Facebook Inc., is pleased to announce a new test feature on Facebook Gifts. This new test allows you to contribute on Facebook’s 11 partnered non-profit organizations. FacebookGifts allows you to send presents to your Facebook friends through Facebook, of course, on holidays or special occasions. You will have a list of goods and services to choose from. But this time, Facebook is adding a new twist.
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November 2, 2012

Operation Smile Mobile App Now on Android


Manila, Philippines— Developed by the Ateneo Java Wireless Center for Smart Communications Inc., the Operation Smile app is now available for Android-enabled phones. Smart has been actively involved with Operation Smile Philippines’ cause since 2005. Operation Smile is a worldwide charity organization that provides free surgeries to children with cleft lip, cleft palate and other facial deformities.
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November 1, 2012

Google New Improved Voice Search Now on iOS


Google Voice Search app is finally available on iPhone and iPad. It does away with typing your queries. Just tap the microphone icon and you’ll get fast and accurate search results from Google. This voice recognition technology recognizes your voice and understands what you’re saying. As you speak, you’ll see your words appear on the screen. And it even answers you back with the correct information.
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Experience the Wii U in Australia


Nintendo Australia announce Wii U will be on tour in Australia. They will start touring around Australia from the 5th of November and everyone is invited to come. Everyone will have the chance to experience the new Wii U GamePad controller with the famous Nintendo franchises like Mario and some new titles.
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October 31, 2012

Cast your Vote with Google


Election Day in the U.S is just few days away. It is scheduled on November 6 but could be move due to the severe aftermath of superstorm Sandy that led to power outage and property destruction. While Americans are still waiting for advisory straight from the White House, you can check Google’s new Voter Information Tool to do some research on your candidates before you even cast your vote.
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Nokia Starts Shipping Nokia Lumia 920 and 820


Finnish phone maker Nokia announced that it will start shipping Nokia Lumia 920 and Lumia 820 to retail outlets in selected countries this week. AT&T will carry both Nokia Lumia 920 and 820 while Verizon Wireless will sell the newly announced Lumia 822. T-Mobile on the other hand will offer the Lumia 810. Nokia will ship its phones to those three carriers and in stores in November.
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Google Unveils Nexus in Three Sizes


There’s definitely no stopping with Google. Just yesterday, Google announced that the October 29 New York event is cancelled due to strong hurricane Sandy that brought  heavy rainfall and the said Android event will be pushed through some other time. But instead of a fun gala launch, Google preferred to let the public know its array of new devices through its official blog.
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October 30, 2012

Android 4.2: Still Named the Jelly Bean but Tastier


Google still retains the name Jelly Bean on its new software Android 4.2. It’s not so long ago when Samsung and Motorola, to name a few, decided to upgrade its phone with Android 4.1 Jelly Bean. And now Google introduces an update of its Android family, taking it a notch higher than its predecessor.
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October 29, 2012

What Can We Expect from Windows Phone 8?


Microsoft is set to unveil Windows Phone 8 three days after Windows 8 operating system is released. October 29 is “the day” for software giant to impress audience with its own version of smartphone as Microsoft is trying to keep up with the smartphone game. This next generation of smartphone operating system has captured the imagination of many people, asking if how will it be when compared side-by-side with dominating smartphone operating system like Android and iOS. What can we expect from Windows Phone 8?
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Smart Inc. Launches Unlisurf 85 for Smart-Bro Plug-it


Leading wireless service provider in the Philippines, Smart Inc. introduces a new pre-paid package for Smart Bro plug-it users to cater more options among its loyal subscribers. Smart Bro USB stick modem allows wireless connection on the go for those budget-conscious consumers.

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Get Google Back on Windows 8


Microsoft takes pride on its newest version of operating system, the Windows 8. It promises a whole new windows experience like you’ve never had before. Windows 8 is a touchscreen-centric software but still allows user to navigate windows in the traditional way. Few critics have gush about Windows 8 being a not-so-friendly OS. Even long time window users will find it hard to navigate Windows 8, as one tech critic said. And in line with Windows 8 released on the market, Google is taking matters on its own to assist Googlers in setting up Google Search app and Chrome browser on Windows 8.
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October 28, 2012

Google October 29 Nexus Event is Cancelled


October is something big for many tech giants. Just few days ago, Apple unveiled couple of devices on its new family generation in a New York event. And a day from now, tech bloggers and media men supposed to hit again the busy New York streets to cover another headliner — Google’s big October 29 event. Well, thanks to Hurricane Sandy, Google just declared that it is cancelling the said event. It might be sort of a de ja vu, but Google also delayed last year’s Galaxy Nexus launch as a respect to the late Steve Jobs. So what are we supposed to expect with the cancelled event?
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October 27, 2012

Apple Says Samsung Is Not A Copycat


Apple and Samsung’s court battle is perhaps one of the biggest battles in recent years. They've gone from court to court all over the world just to humiliate the other one. The U.K court ruled though in favor of Samsung and declared that Samsung didn't infringe Apple’s design. It is a downer for Apple and what makes it worse is that they are required to post a notice on its website stating that the Korean company didn’t copy Cupertino giant’s design with its Galaxy tablets and smartphones.
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October 26, 2012

Microsoft Surface with Windows RT Now Available for Grabs


Microsoft Corporation may have trudge a tougher road these past few years but the software giant is not giving up. First unveiled in June, Microsoft Surface promises a new Windows experience. And just today Microsoft announced its availability at all Microsoft retail, holiday and online stores in United States and Canada. If you’re one of those Microsoft fan outside U.S and Canada, no worries.Microsoft Surface will also be available online at Microsoft Store in Australia, China, France, Germany and United Kingdom. For those in China and Hongkong, it will be available at Suning Appliance.
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AT&T Unleashed the Availability of Sony Xperia TL Beginning November 2


Sony Xperia TL is set to launch this coming November 2 for only $99.99 with a two-year warranty from AT&T. The device will also be featured in the upcoming 007 film ”Skyfall”. Sony Xperia TL will also be pre-loaded with behind the scenes footage, interviews, clips, wallpapers, ring tones, and more, coming from the film “Skyfall”.

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October 24, 2012

New Wii Bundles Announced — Skylanders Giants and Just Dance 4


Nintendo has announced two new set of Wii console bundles. The first bundle includes a copy of Skylanders Giants, and the other with Just Dance 4. Both bundles are expected to arrive in stores on November 4.
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Asus ROG Releases a Powerful Gaming Notebook


The 14-inch G series G46VW gaming notebook released by ASUS — a powerful gaming performance in an ultra mobile form. We can finally enjoy each game we played without failing the application. The G46VW is loaded with enthusiast-grade hardware and focused on game features.
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The iPad Mini: Every Inch an iPad


Finally Apple Inc. has shown anything but little (as far as hardware is concerned) during a media event in San Jose, California. Apple didn’t just introduced one device during the said event but a couple more, to be exact; five new devices debuted in one of the biggest event this year. And indeed iPad mini does exist. As Apple wrote on their official website, the iPad mini is a whole package in a smaller package.
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October 23, 2012

Will iPad Mini’s Fate be the Same as iPhone 5?


Some iPhone 5 users are quite disappointed with its performance. We have been hearing reviews about the Wi-Fi issue, the capturing of image under the sunlight, and especially the Apple Maps that even the CEO of Apple “Tim Cook”apologized.
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Apple Has Got a Little More To Show


When it comes to marketing its products, I would give the crown to Apple Inc. No other company can create such fuss like Apple does when they have something new on their sleeves. Just this year, rumors are all over months prior to the device’s actual launch date. Leaking info and photos even make the consumers a little more curious and interested. I bet that’s the Apple way.
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October 22, 2012

Motorola Offers $100 Credit for Phones that won’t be Updated to Jelly Bean


The recently acquired Google-company hasn’t been known yet for being very timely when it comes to updating their devices with Android software updates. And seems like they’re keeping their word when newly reinstated Motorola CEO Dennis Woodside promised, a month ago, that most Motorola handsets that are released in 2012 will be updated to Jelly Bean and for devices that don’t get updated before the year ends will come with a bonus — $100.
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October 20, 2012

Google’s Samsung Chromebook at $249


Samsung and Google collaborated to come up with a computer which is browser-based. It runs on Google’s Chrome operating system which obviously would rely on web-based apps like Gmail, Google Docs and Google Drive. Google aims to redefine how computers should work. Since most users spend more time online rather than doing offline task, it’s just more reasonable to create a computer which allows you to do almost everything via the Web at an affordable price, of course.
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Kutcher Tops Forbes’ Highest-Paid TV Actors


Ashton Kutcher ousted Charlie Sheen on CBS hit series Two and a Half Men and even on Forbes’ list. Sheen topped the highest-paid tv actors last year. Now that he’s left the hit sitcom, he’s also nowhere to be found on the list. Kutcher now is leading the pack of Forbes’ Highest-Paid TV Actors for May 2011-May 2012. This bankable pretty boy seems to have the best of worlds—with a budding love affair with Esquire magazine's sexiest woman alive— Mila Kunis and a fat pay check to boot. 
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Sony Announces a Jelly Bean Update for 2012 Xperia in 2013


Sony already made an announcement about the Jelly Bean update for their latest model of Xperia. The Xperia T, Xperia TX and the Xperia V will begin to receive the Jelly Bean update starting on February 2013. Sony is focusing the update more of their latest devices since it will be in demand than the older ones.
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October 19, 2012

Samsung S3 Jelly Bean Update Now in UK


Samsung S3 handsets will finally get to taste Google’s newest Android OS – the Jelly Bean. After its successful opening roll out in Poland and a few days after the unveiling of the mini version of S3 in Germany, UK Samsung S3 users can update to Jelly Bean within weeks no matter what network they’re in. UK network Three took to Twitter to announce the good news, tweeting “#ThreeSoftwareUpdate Jelly Bean has arrived for #GalaxySIII users.”
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Google Unveils Where the Internet Lives


Google has been very careful in storing their data. However, for the very first time, Google opens the door to its secret world where it houses huge servers for all their data. You can either browse through beautifully captured photos of Google’s data centers or take a virtual tour on a video posted on YouTube or using Google’s very own Streetview. It is a big world indeed.

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Acer Introduces Their New Tablets — Iconia W700P and Iconia W510P in Windows 8

On October 4, Acer announced the Iconia W700 tablet PC will be available in the US market. This would be Acer’s first Windows 8-based tablet PC in the US. The W700P is a high-performance mobile PC in a tablet form, features a versatile, portable design that delivers a first-rate touch and typing experience.
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October 18, 2012

Google Tops the List of Highest-Paid Software Engineers


So it’s not all about the free gourmet meals, there’s more to that! Search giant Google has been hailed for several years as one of the best companies to work for. According to rumors, Google apparently receives 150,000 CV’s everyday for aspiring software engineers and staff. And with a recent report released by Glassdoor, resumes will surely flood in Googleplex as it tops the list of highest-paid software engineers for 2012.

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October 17, 2012

Apple Already Sent Invites for the iPad Mini Launch


The most awaited event in October for Apple fans and tablet users is coming. Apple already sent invites for the big event on October 23, where we expect the official announcement of the iPad Mini. The invitation has a banner that says, "We've got a little more to show you." which clearly talks about the new iPad Mini.
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The “Fifty Shades of Grey” World Invasion Hits the Philippine Shores!


There’s no stopping the “Fifty Shades of Grey” fever from affecting just about everyone in the planet today. Recently, the phenomenal, if not controversial novels have caught the attention of the Philippine crowd and even movie stars here are now hooked on the complex love story of Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele.
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Introducing Beats Pill: New Portable Speaker


Devices turn into mini these days. Beats, leading maker of audio devices, unveiled its tiny compact speaker today and they called it the Beats Pill. The name says it all but it’s more than just your baby speaker on the go. Beats being founded by famous record producer Dr. Dre and Jimmy Iovine, produces high quality audio devices. And today they have just made another awesome device to add on their coveted Beats collection.

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Microsoft Surface Ready for Pre-order Starting at $499


Microsoft already confirmed the pricing of their Surface Tablet and will set to go on sale on October 26. The Microsoft Surface Tablet with Windows RT is now available for pre-order starting at $499 without a Black Touch Cover — expect shipment within 3 weeks.
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October 16, 2012

YouTube New Ranking System Focus on Watch Time


It seems like YouTube is also doing its spring cleaning like Facebook and parent company Google. In an effort to boost the time users spend on Youtube, videos that are watched longer by viewers will rise in search ranking. “Less clicking, more watching” – that’s how YouTube determines who gets the top spot.

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