Step 1. Open your Windows Registry. Press "Windows + R" to make the Run window appear.
Step 2. Then type "regedit" and Enter.
Step 3. Locate the registry entry "HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Blizzard Entertainment > Warcraft III > Video"
Step 4. Find "resheight" and "reswidth" on the list and change the number to the desired.
Step 5. If your hesitant with your screen resolution, right click on the desktop and select "Screen Resolution".
Step 6. Know the full screen of your monitor and enter it on the "resheight" and "reswidth".
Note: Choose the "Decimal" option in changing the screen resolution.
I have done the editing but it didn't happen. The game is still not running in full-screen mode
ohh !! sorry for the previous post. It did happen. I just swapped the pixel specifications and it worked. Great :)
height: 768(in decimal)
width: 1366(in decimal)
No problem.,Thanks for dropping by.,
Thx for This Tips.....
where is the window registry==
i put 768 height and width 1366 ady but still not happen
TQ it work ady i put height 1000 and width 1600
thats good to hear.,:)
You're welcome.,
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