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October 24, 2012

The iPad Mini: Every Inch an iPad


Finally Apple Inc. has shown anything but little (as far as hardware is concerned) during a media event in San Jose, California. Apple didn’t just introduced one device during the said event but a couple more, to be exact; five new devices debuted in one of the biggest event this year. And indeed iPad mini does exist. As Apple wrote on their official website, the iPad mini is a whole package in a smaller package.

iPad mini doesn’t go away with  iPad features. This resized iPad isn’t a show stopper; instead it has everything that makes it at par with the bigger version. It sports a 7.9-inch display with a thickness of 7.2 mm and weighs at 0.68 pound. Shockingly, it is as thin as a pencil and 53% lighter than iPad. You can even hold it with just one hand and it does perfectly fit on a purse. It also features power-efficient A5 chip which makes every activity run smoothly. Apple also takes pride on iPad mini’s battery life which will last up to 10 hours. And oh, obviously, iPad mini has Appele’s latest iOS — the iOS 6 installed in it.

Furthermore, this new addition to the iPad family has a 5-megapixel iSight camera for all those who love to shoot photos. Despite its smaller screen, Apple made sure that this won’t stop you from taking bigger photos. Instead, they have this Autofocus feature, a tap to focus, which means “every photo you take instantly becomes frameworthy”. So capture those beautiful moments with no worries. It also features a dual-band Wi-fi connection and has LTE. And to top it all, it uses an ultraslim connector called the Lightning connector which is more durable than the 30-pin connector. Above all, this connector is reversible so you can plug it in any way.      

Apple’s Vice-President for Marketing Philip W. Schiller, made a brave side-side comparison with its very own iPad mini and arch rival Google Nexus 7 during the event. He noted that iPad mini has accessed to 275,000 apps that have been made for iPads unlike Google’s Android app store which offers apps that are designed for phones only and not for tablets. But when it comes to the pricing, still Apple can’t afford to price its device as low as $200. iPad mini is available at $330 which obviously is $130 more to its competing tablets in the market. Shipping of this new product will start on Nov. 2. It comes in white and black color.

Source: Apple


Anonymous said...

too bad it isn't a retina display..

Unknown said...

Hi lucky,

Thanks for dropping by. Indeed, that's the upsetting part.But nonetheless, this resized iPad promises same experience with its bigger version.

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